This year Adams Storage and Adams Mobox are taking donations for Transition House Society, Christmas hampers for two, single mother families, in the Victoria area.  If you would like to donate, stop by any one of our locations.

Christmas Lights

If you would like to donate directly – check out the link below to other local charities to donate to this Christmas.


10 Items For Christmas Hamper Donations


  1. Gift Cards – A great idea for families in need.  Gift cards are a way to donate to families and allow them to buy EXACTLY what they need, or to save it for a rainy day.  Of course, practical gift cards make the most sense, but gift cards for pampering are also a nice treat.  Gift cards for hair salons, massage, movies and so on.
  2. Feminine Hygiene Products – These are items that are often overlooked when it comes to donations and greatly needed.  Pads, Tampons, Diva Cups, etc.  Reusable items are much more beneficial since these can be used over again and will last longer than disposable items.
  3. Baby Items – This may be an obvious one but it is good to have a reminder.  Diapers, clothing, baby food, baby toys, and the likes.
  4. Non-Perishable Food Items – This is another common item but an important one.  Things like pasta, dried proteins: beans, lentils, canned fish and protein bars and any other canned and dried goods.
  5. Bus Pass/Transportation Vouchers – This is an item many people will never think of.  There are many options for donation like monthly and daily bus and train passes.  Taxi and ferry gift cards/certificates are also great options.
  6. Food Vouchers/Gift Cards – To ensure there is fresh food available for those in need at Christmas, food vouchers and gift cards are fantastic.  This allows families to go and buy a Christmas ham or turkey, fresh vegetables, and fresh treats.
  7. Children’s Toys and Games – A classic at Christmas.  Just a reminder to choose gifts that are easily transportable and conveniently stored.  Families in need are often in shelters or temporary housing so toys that can be packed around are best.
  8. Holiday Treats – It is Christmas and it wouldn’t be the same without Christmas treats but remember to donate non-perishable treats.  Cookies, candies, frozen pie and so on.
  9. Winter Clothing – Christmas is cold in the Northern Hemisphere and winter clothing donations are essential.  Things like warm jackets, boots, sweaters, socks, long underwear, hats, and gloves are always much needed during the winter months.
  10. Toiletries – This is another great practical idea.  Toiletries are needed at all times of the year.  Toothbrushes, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, soap, body wash and face wash.  Other items that would make a special treat would be face masks, body butter, lotion, nail polish etc.


Remember, it isn’t how much you can donate.

Any donation is always appreciated and a little goes a long way.

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– Shanda Sawyer