New Year, New You!


As each new year passes us by, we come to realize new year’s resolutions are often redundant, frustrating, daunting and unattainable.   But what if becoming a new, improved, healthier you were actually VERY SIMPLE?  I have great news…. IT IS!


Here are 6 steps to creating a new routine to help you become the best version of YOU!


  1. Figure out the FULL DAILY routine you would like to commit to, from the moment you wake up until you hit your pillow at night.  Keep it simple.  Do some research.  Envision the person you would like to be and what that person’s day might look like.

  2. You will then take this routine and break it down. First into three parts – Morning, Afternoon and Evening.  You will then break down each of these three parts into single, weekly steps.

  3. Starting with the morning portion of your routine, or whichever part is easiest for you to commit to, choose the first thing on this portion of your routine.  You will do this every day for a full week.

  4. After a week add in the next part of your routine and do BOTH for another week.

  5. Moving into your second week, you will add the next portion of your routine and practice these THREE for yet another week.

  6. Continue this pattern until you have completed the list from your routine and EUREKA!, you have now created and are following your new routine.


*See below for example for reference


Now, if you add up all the weeks you will need to complete your routine you will surely notice it will take a significant amount of time.  But do not give up, hold fast friends, the results are lasting and incredible.  By slowly adding in elements of your new routine, you are able to, almost unknowingly, slip into it.  In turn, the creation of your new routine will take you one step closer to creating the life you have always dreamed of.


*Side note: You can choose to follow these steps exactly or you can mix it up in a way that will suit your current schedule and lifestyle.

*Results will vary based on commitment.  This is personal advice only and we are not liable for any adverse outcomes.  




6:00 am – Wake Up – Week 1 

6:10 am – Brush Teeth/Scrape Tongue – Add in Week 2

6:20 am – Drink warm lemon water – Add in Week 3

6:30am – Meditation/Calensthetics – Add in Week 4

7:00 am – Walk dogs – Add in Week 5

7:30 am – Shower/Get Ready for work – Add in Week 6


9:00 am – Work – Lunch @ same time every day if possible – mostly veggies – Add in Week 7


5:30 pm – Home/Feed Dogs – Add in Week 8

6:00 pm – Breathing exercises – Add in Week 9

6:30 pm – Eat dinner – Add in Week 10

7:00 pm – Meditate – Add in Week 11

7:30 pm – Read book/Study – Add in Week 12

8:00 pm – Free time – Add in Week 13

8:30 pm – Shower/Brush teeth/Get ready for bed – Add in Week 14

9:00 pm – Sleep  – Add in Week 15

Packing a Mobox

Packing With Adams

-Shanda Sawyer